Why #LAMESinDaPark is better than a #vaccine

Adam Jeus Inyang
4 min readMay 29, 2021

Depending on whose science you subscribe to, there have been reports that many of the COVID patients have had a few major things in common; chief among them was a vitamin D deficiency. The sun gives you vitamin D, as well as charges your organs to start producing the necessary chemicals and hormones your body needs to function properly. People have literally been making themselves more susceptible to illness by depriving themselves of sunlight and outdoor experiences. That’s why the quarantine orders were so asinine and counter-productive. The scientists and “experts” people entrusted their health to were completely and absolutely wrong. They were playing guessing games with people’s lives. That’s why it’s nonsensical to trust a vaccine that was developed under the same misguided stream of misinformation.

Anywho, on to the answers you deserve. L.A.M.E.’s in Da Park is a monthly event curated by L.A.M.E. Voices, a group of artists that go by the mantra “Living As Me Everyday”. The event features a park clean-up at the close of the festivities as a way to restore community care and involvement in our shared spaces. There are also vendors, free food and drinks, an open mic and live music and more. Held every 4th Sunday of the month, it offers Albany residents the opportunity to enjoy our local green spaces with intentional attention being paid to making a positive impact in the community. Science has shown that patients in hospitals with a view of green spaces recover more quickly than patients with a view of a parking lot or a building. Science has shown that laughing and dancing produce endorphins and hormones that boost the body’s auto-immune response. L.A.M.E.’s in Da Park has ALL of this!! and more!!

Our medical experts are fighting a contradictory battle. They are sworn to care for the sick and such but they’ve sold their souls to large pharmaceutical companies. So much so, that they’ll forego telling you affordable common sense solutions to your health problems and prescribe you expensive, collaterally damaging poisonous experimental drugs, for financial gain. When you have the practical and scientifically-substantiated knowledge that sunlight, vegetables, and exercise are far more effective at strengthening your immune system against foreign agents with less side effects than any drug produced in a lab, you are less susceptible to both disease and the lies about disease and how best to treat it.

For those who believe in the vaccines, the vaccines developed from the cells of an aborted fetus, vaccines that contain harmful metals, vaccines that have documented cases of a wide range of adverse reactions, vaccines that were developed in less than a year, then more power to you. For those that have any real and objective perspective of history and still choose to acquiesce to and even promote the foolish and counterproductive “health measures” imposed by governmental bodies, there’s not much hope for you. There’s no time for soft, diluted speech. There are only absolutes. If you believe in the vaccine and trust the institutions pushing it on you, then you are part of the problem. You are actively contributing to the subjugation and oppression of yourself and your community. Period. The only course of action is intentional and absolute separation from this poisonous system. These “medical professionals” are fully aware of the life-saving benefits of healthy diets, sunlight and exercise, yet they continue to prescribe you half-tested poison.

Your health is your responsibility and admitting that you were misled is not anything to be ashamed of; it’s something to celebrate. If you can’t make it to L.A.M.E.’s in Da Park, find a park near you and get you some outside experiences. Be amongst nature and plant life, take a hike, go fishing, do some gardening, do something outside. Instead of risking your health with unproven and inconsistent advice from so-called “experts”, entrust your health to things man can’t make.



Adam Jeus Inyang

InyangforAlbany.com | @sweetjeus | I am an #ArtistActivist | #AlbanyForward #CommunityAction